An Infographic Journey Into Select European Airports

by Randy on May 29, 2012

As a kid I used to love the travel day. You know, the day that involves getting to the airport, waiting around for a while, then flying to your destination where you will be transported to your accommodation. But now as an adult, my rose petal shades for flying our not as pink as they once were and I find the whole affair tiring. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy flying, I still do. However, I’ve found that I’m more likely to enjoy the travel day if I’m prepared for it. For example, not having to rush, knowing exactly how I’m getting to the airport and what to expect when I get there.

Putting all this information together can be exhausting in itself, which is why I was excited to find this infographic from Expedia and wanted to share it with you guys. Like a visual Wikipedia entry, this infographic has a ton of information about some of the major airports in Europe to help travelers get a better understanding about the airports they are traveling into and out of. One of my favorite things on this stylish infographic is the comparison between what an hour of parking will cost you compared to one hour of WiFi. Not only is it an interesting comparison, but it’s also a fabulous resource for seeing parking and WiFi rates; that way you and your wallet will be prepared.

So take a few minutes and peruse the information and tips on this infographic, trust me you won’t be disappointed!

How do you prepare for travel days?

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